Stopping the City to Stop the War

photo: road block Thursday 31 October, a day often associated with ghosts, ghouls, skeletons, was this year no exception. But the day had a new source of evil to countenance: Blair and Bush and their gruesome plans for Iraq. If you walked along Oxford Road during the day, or passed by Piccadilly later on, you'd probably have noticed a fair amount of supernatural activity by the ghosts and ghouls of Manchester.

According to British health professionals, a war against Iraq could kill half a million people, most of whom would be civilians. 260,000 are likely to die in the conflict with a further 200,000 dying later from famine and disease - the US will target bombs on water systems and other infrastructures. In the report's worse case, nuclear weapons are fired on Iraq in response to a chemical or biological attack on Kuwait or Israel, leaving a staggering 3.9 million dead. [Taken from Red Pepper]

photo: another road block In the morning, a keen group of protestors blocked off the road at two points between Fallowfield and the University of Manchester. They were met with impatience from drivers wanting to get to work, but other people were supportive of the message. This developed into an anti-war "ballet", elegantly carrying the anti-war banners along both sides of the road, stopping at every pedestrian crossing to dance across the road to swap sides and grin at the police car and van that had become the fan club for the morning. But the protesters got their message across without the anger caused by blocking off the road earlier.

Later in the day (lunchtime) there was a rally at Manchester University Students' Union, a 5 hour sit-in at the maths tower (they have dealings with British Aerospace don't you know). Meanwhile in the centre of town, a vigil was held there too.
photo: albert square and banner
photo: outside the Students' Union
Outside the Students' Union

photo: occupying the maths dept
Demonstrators occupy the Mathematics Department

In the evening, close to 1000 people gathered at All Saints park to dance in the streets, play samba, block the road and wave banners showing that if this country goes to war it wont be in our name. The peaceful protest successfully claimed one side of Oxford road and marched to Piccadilly. There was a massive police presence including at least eight horses which served to create more disorder than it prevented, but eventually the cops resigned themselves to stewarding the march to Piccadilly where there were speakers, more music and a chance to make plans for the future.

photo: evening rally

The threat of war from the grey politicians of our time calls for colourful, imaginative, nonviolent protest, and this Halloween was certainly that. But I am reminded of Fritz Schumacher, who warned us that no-one is working for peace unless they are working for wisdom. Even after the colourful protest, I hope we all remember to think about the sweatshops that produce our clothes, the environmental impacts of our lifestyles on poorer countries, and the involvement of our country in arms dealing. We must make noise, but real peace requires more than that.

Longsight Neighbourhoods Opposing War

On 31st October, as part of "Don't Attack Iraq Day" people in Longsight took to the streets with banners, and flags calling on people to Resist the War and take action against the plans to escalate attacks on Iraq. Over 25 people took part, creating rhythms with drums, shakers and pots and pans, and making a lot of noise! The group blocked the Stockport Road (A6) for about half and hour and gave out flyers to motorists and people in the street about why be against the war and why direct action is the only chance we have of stopping it. The response from passers-by was really good, with shopkeepers coming out to join the demonstration and lots of people showing their support.

There is immense popular feeling against this war, but it is too often combined with a feeling of helplessness, the feeling that governments will go to war whatever and there is nothing we can do. By taking action in our local area we could experience the strength of feeling against the war and build on that, to get an idea of the power there could be if all those of us who are disgusted by the plans to escalate the violence in Iraq really decided not to let war go ahead in our names…

There was lots of encouragement to build on the success of the first demonstration and there are plans for more anti-war action in the Longsight area.

Longsight N.O.W. (07952 062 842,

photo: oldham anti-war protest


Fifty or more anti-war protesers gathered by the war memorial in Oldham for a lunchtime rally to say stop the war on Iraq and free Palestine. It reflected the rich cultural diversity and was addressed by a variety of speakers.

Anti-War Movement Grows

As Bush and Blair push us further and further towards the prospect of inevitable war (or should we say bigger war, as the regular bombings and the existence of US, UK and Australian special forces in Iraq is already a war of sorts), the resistance is growing also. The next big demo is international, and millions are expected to march against war on Iraq on 15 February all over the world. Demos are happening in London (see Events) and Glasgow and transport from Manchester is organised (contact CND). But if you are wondering what more to do as an individual, here’s a few ideas: write letters to Tony Blair; organise/join vigils (see Events page); organise a (little) meeting in your workplace or community or school, and try and set up an anti-war group; get the anti-war message out by writing to local papers and perhaps by adding the message to billboards ( has ideas); and think about joining CND – they need everyone to be involved and also need money to keep organising against this war and the nuclear threat.

Take Action

If war breaks out there will be a gathering that day at Piccadilly Gardens at 5pm and another outside Stockport Art Gallery from 5:30pm the following day. Or join the next major anti-war event.

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Based on eye witness accounts from Graeme Sherriff ( and Lauren Glitter, with additional information from other sources including IndyMedia UK and Gtr Manc & District CND (0161 273 8283)

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