Pension Protest
Manchester Campaign Against Arms Trade protested about Greater Manchester Pension Fund's investments in arms companies on Friday 18 October outside New Century House, Manchester at the Fund's Annual Pensioners Forum. The Fund represents a wide range of local government and other organisations in Greater Manchester such as schools staff, Citizens Advice Bureaus, Catholic Children's Rescue Society, Councils for Voluntary Service etc. Hundreds of pensioners were given a leaflet asking them to contact or write to the Fund calling for the ending of these investments.
The arms trade inhibits development, fuels conflict and causes poverty and a fund representing public service workers should not be investing in the arms industry. Mike Kavanagh of Manchester CAAT and a member of the Fund attended the questions sessions of the Forum and spoke on the issue. Some pensioners, in response, did not feel that "politics" should be a part of the day whilst others congratulated him for raising the issue. At present the Fund will neither dis-invest nor discuss with these companies their policies towards exports. Mike will be at next year's Forum.
For more information see CAAT's Clean Investment Campaign or contact Mike.
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Mike Kavanagh (0161 224 6042,
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