Actions to collect the target of 30,000 Manchester Votes for Trade Justice have intensified with cards going out to UNISON and with stalls on the streets. After the success of getting Clare Short to sign at MMU (photo on right), stalls have taken place in different locations including St. Ann's Square and Longsight.
Gorton Labour MP Sir Gerald Kaufman turned up to our stall in Fallowfield, but came earlier than expected so being missed by our photographer.
However he signed a card (below) and our petition and gave us a useful quote: "In a world over-brimming with affluence we must never forget the huge number of people who are living in poverty and below subsistence levels. It is our duty to help them to help themselves."
With thousands more cards waiting for votes, TJM will be on the street throughout the winter and are happy to come to your Fairtrade fairs and other events.
Stephen Pennells, Manchester Trade Justice Movement (