Networking Newsletter: Issue 30 (Sept/Oct 2000)
Welcome to the 30th issue!

As ever, it's packed full of news, activities and events, an ever more comprehensive contacts list and much more. Well worth a subscription if you've not already taken one out!

For breaking news, and updates, that didn't make the printed issue, remember to check out the STOP PRESS section.

If you can't find what you're looking for, even using our local search engine, then email us so we can consider including such information in future issues.

Michael's signature

This Issue's Top Stories

 Not Included in the Online Edition

The following articles only appear in the printed version - please subscribe to get the full newsletter delivered to your door step!.

  • Dump the Pump
    Manchester Friends of the Earth's recent actions against over zealous car use. (Email:

  • Fake Counterfiets
    Charges dropped against those distributing £20 note look-alike fliers

  • Orange Squash
    Burnage residents' successful campaign to stop another phone mast being erected

Clash Avoidance Calendar

The hardcopy of the Networking Newsletter includes a double-page colour pull out "clash avoidance calendar" which gives a graphical description of who's doing what, when and where.

Activities are spilt between


Check out the most up-to-date and comprehensive contacts list of campaigners in and around Manchester.

Enquiries about the Networking Newsletter Project should be made to:
Networking Newsletter Project, 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS.
Tel: [pls use email]
Fax: 0161 834 8187 (clearly marked FAO: Michael, Networking Newsletter)
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(c) Networking Newsletter (September 2000)