I was invited to attend the "Friends of the Fallowfield Loop" Walk back in July. Cos Harnasz and Rob Trueblood, from the campaigning group "Two Wheels Good" want to turn this old railway line into a "cross city green route" from Chorlton to Gorton, for pedestrians and cyclists alike. Cos said, when inviting me, that he hoped for a large number of people to turn out. Well, he wasn't wrong! Despite the drizzly nature of the day, 60 people started the walk from Sainsbury's in Fallowfield.
We joined the old railway track and I, upon request, delivered a few words about the value of the line for wildlife. Many of the people on the walk were from Manchester Civic Society & Sustrans and added valuable knowledgeable information about the history of the area. In all, a very enjoyable day.
However, with Sainsbury's nearly blocking the route there is work to be done to keep the line open. Please contact your local councillor, via the Town Hall's "Membership Services" (234 3235) to lobby in favour of the line, or drop into their local surgery (details from your library). Or become a "Friend of the Fallowfield Loop" by ringing Cos (283 7548) or Rob (773 6450).