EMERGE Recycling offers kerbside recycling collections to Manchester households. They have started to recruit members of the community as "Community Recycling Champions", to assist them in publicising and raising awareness about recycling, as well as finding out what people want and need from their recycling services. In other words, they need you!
If you decide to become a Recycling Champion, Emerge will provide you with full training, covering waste reduction, community involvement, customer care and communication skills. You will get the chance to engage with local people and give vital input into a local social enterprise. You will also get to meet like-minded folk and develop practical and social skills - everything you need for one of the most exciting opportunities to support environmental and community improvements in Manchester this century.
Emerge are particularly keen to find Recycling Champions in high-rise flats in Hulme, to help with a brand new recycling scheme. They will be setting up mini recycling centres in the flats' car parks and courtyards by agreement with residents and the managing agents, and plan to start regular collections before Christmas.
More information (175Kb, MS Word Document)
Danny Chivers, EMERGE Recycling (0161 223 8200, danny@emergemanchester.co.uk)