Come and explore the wonders of Mersey Valley whilst making a difference to your local environment. We are looking for keen people of all ages and levels of experience to join BTCV and the Mersey Valley Wardens to complete various conservation tasks within the Mersey Valley. The tasks will last from 9.30am till 4.30pm, meeting at the Chorlton Water Park Wardens Office - teas and coffee available free! Most tasks will be run as BTCV Institute courses where a NCFE certificate of achievement can be gained if participants can stay all day. This is a nationally recognised qualification which can be achieved in 1, 2 or 3 day courses in various subjects. All courses will have a trained tutor with all equipment provided but please bring your own boots and waterproofs if you have them. If you cannot stay all day please come along and learn new skills, meet new friends and enjoy your local environment for as long as you can.
Katie Lowry (0161 608 0498, 07740899539)
MCC Going Greenest? - the Council aims to become "Britain's Greenest City" but what do you think? Full Council resolution available.
Social Enterprising - Report back from conference on Social Enterprises
4x4 Spells Double Trouble - Environmentalists find public support for SUVs to pay double the city centre parking charges
Political EDMs - Get your MP to sign the Action Against Irresponsible Motorists EDM
100 Days - Raising a valid point or being environmental terrorists?
Cycle Lanes - Who are they for?
Working Together to Make Poverty History - Fallowfield and Withington Christian Aid supporters unite to wipe out debt
Dirty Aid, Dirty Water - Would you drink the Irwell?