Manchester World Development Movement marked UN World Water Day (22 March) by collecting hundreds of signatures in Exchange Square demanding that aid money should be used for the poor and not for promoting the privatisation of water. Supporters signed a giant postcard to Hillary Benn, Minister for International Development, who controls aid money and another giant postcard to Halcrow, a consultancy with offices in Handforth, asking how many must die so that they can profit from privatisation.
Over 6,000 children die every day from dirty water and whilst privatisation may provide clean water to those who can afford it, studies have shown that it does not work for poor people. Privatisation costs poor countries dearly before the schemes are financially attractive to private companies and invariably there are huge price increases making clean water unaffordable to the poorest. Halcrow, a leading consultancy in the water industry, always recommends privatisation in its conclusions and also has major international water companies as its customers!
Dave Pearce (0161 428 9929,
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