CHEC exists to weigh up the evidence for climate change, to foresee its impacts, and above all to speak for an alternative to the driving force which has launched climate change. The driving force which lies at the heart of all the fossil fuels and of their derivatives is carbon. Whenever and however carbon is burned, it yields the same exhaust gas, carbon dioxide - the main driver of climate change.
Is there, then, a truly clean fuel which could take the place of all our coal, oil and gas, and without inducing any climate change at all? CHEC believes that such a fuel is already within reach: hydrogen. Unlike all the fossil fuels hydrogen does not, and cannot, yield the main global warming gas, carbon dioxide. Instead it yields water, and water alone.
However ,there are no hydrogen mines anywhere in the world. With pick, pump and piping we can raid the earth for all the fossil coal, oil and gas we want. But for hydrogen to become our fuel of choice we have to find a way of detaching it from the universal substance which contains it in inexhaustible quantities: water. Water can be split into hydrogen and oxygen by electrical means. If the necessary electrical power is generated from conventional power stations the resulting carbon dioxide would render the whole process self-defeating. If, however, the necessary power is given by the sun and the wind we would have the basis for a completely sustainable energy system.
Once extracted from water, hydrogen can feed our furnaces, our homes and our vehicles in much the same way as oil and natural gas do now, but with the overwhelming advantage that the burning of the hydrogen yields only the very water from which it was extracted. When perfected, such a sustainable fuel system could replace all fossil fuels and may even give our stressed climate the respite it needs to recover its lost equilibrium.
The aim of CHEC is thus to contact our fellow citizens, beginning in Manchester, in order to make this case for hydrogen, whilst at the same time acknowledging the difficulties still to be faced by this technology. They therefore invite interested readers of this newsletter to get in touch with any questions.
Mike Kaufman, CHEC (0161 273 8595,
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