A growing list of publications produced by groups in Manchester and beyond that will be of interest to campaigners.
Animal Campaign Express: regular email bulletin (also paper version available) on actions to take to protect animals. Info: a.c.e@ukf.net
ARCNEWS: monthly round-up of animal rights campaigns in UK and abroad. PO Box 339, Wolverhampton WV10 7BZ. Tel: 0845 458 0146
campaignstrategy.org: Chris Rose's top tips for campaigning.
Free Range Network: Practice guides covering Beyond the Throw-away Battery, Switching to Low Energy Lights, Buying Collectively and Protesting in Public. Email: fraw@fraw.org.uk
Manchester Friends of the Earth: quarterly newsletter to members or send A5 SAE to 6 Mount Street M2 5NS. Tel: 0161 834 8221, email: office@manchesterfoe.org.uk
Networking Newsletter: bimonthly newsletter featuring news from campaigns all over the region. Send A4 SAE to 6 Mount Street M2 5NS for a free copy. Tel: [pls use email], email: leave us feedback
Solidarity Federation: "Direct Action" (quarterly magazine) and "Catalyst" (free newsletter focussing on workplace issues). Write to PO Box 29, Manchester M15 5HW for a free copy
Weed at Venus: A regularly updated collection of essays and writings on current issues and political events
Please quote the Networking Newsletter when writing off to groups - this will help encourage people to keep this list updated!
The Networking Newsletter Project's aims include the provision of suitable resources for its members.
We have copies of all the below publications:
Eternal Treblinka - review to appear shortly
AVG anti-virus software - a useful, free anti-virus software for MS Windows (April 2003)
The VAM Directory - info on groups and resources in Manchester (annual) [review of 2002/3 issue]
CVO's Greater Manchester Handbook - info on groups and venues in Greater Manchester (annual) [review of 2002 annual to appear shortly]
Animal Rights Directory (annual)
Global Express - Rapid response on Third World issues for teachers (ongoing)
Reaching Out - a media guide for the North West (1996, probably annual)
"Dig It" - about the lands rights movement (1996)
Who's who in the Environment (1995, probably annual but we've not managed to get a more recent copy!)
a guide to Campaigning on the Internet. To get a copy of this briefing send an SAE with 30p in stamps to Networking Newsletter Project, 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS. (NB: this was produced in the mid 1990s!)