Resources Page

The "resources" section of the Networking Newsletter includes a comprehensive list of who to contact when you need practical help, advice or materials, or just somebody to discuss your latest campaign tactics. But that's not all. There's also an overview of groups offering training, tips on using the media, lists of recycling outlets, including bottle bank sites and how to get your printer toner recycled and help charities at the same time, equipment loans, reviews of useful publications, information on groups' publications and a miscellaneous list of useful resources such as advice agencies, bio-diesel, campaign strategies and volunteers.

If there's anything that you would like to offer (skills, expertise, props and so on) let us know and we'll publicise it here.

If you contact any of the people below, please let them know you found the information in the Networking Newsletter. Thanks!

Manchester Resources!

Please keep us posted of additional resources you know people are offering...

For national resources check out our list of national organisations and the miscellaneous resources section.

ItemProvided by...
Audio/Visual equipment
Beyond TV (0161 226 6814, [email protected]): video equipment, edit studio and training
MERCi (0161 273 1736, [email protected]): camcorder, mini-disc & PA
WFA Media and Culture Centre (0161 848 9782/5, [email protected]): full selection of production and post-production equipment
Computers & Internet Access
ERIC, Central Library (0161 234 4583)
Manchester Area Resource Centre (0161 839 0839, [email protected]): PCs, Internet access, colour flatbed scanners, 600dpi monochrome laser printer, colour ink jet printer
MERCi (0161 273 1736, [email protected]): apple macs free
Pankhurst Centre (0161 273 5673, [email protected]): computers & Internet access free to women
Women's Action Forum (0161 232 0545, [email protected])
Women's Electronic Village Hall (0161 833 8800): free drop-in sessions for women (10am-12pm, Fridays or 5-7pm, Tuesdays) booked by ringing above number or email [email protected]; also various courses, ring above number or email [email protected]
Workers' Educational Association (0161 273 7652): free loans of laptops
Design skills
students from Community Exchange (0161 247 6543, [email protected])
Development Education Project (0161 445 2495, [email protected])
Manchester Area Resource Centre (0161 839 0839, [email protected])
Disability Awareness/Equality/Action
GMCDP DAT Project (Typetalk 0900 515 152, tel: 0161 273 5223, email: [email protected])
Breakthrough UK (0161 273 5412, fax: 0161 274 4053, email: [email protected]). Also see disability library resources
Facilitation of meetings
Community Exchange (0161 247 6543, [email protected])
Development Education Project (0161 445 2495, [email protected])
ICA:UK (0161 232 8444, [email protected])
MERCi (0161 273 1736, [email protected]): apple macs FREE
Fax machines
Manchester Area Resource Centre (0161 839 0839, [email protected]): fax machine and fax modem
Community Accountancy Service (0870 953 4053) - free surgeries available
Centre for Voluntary Organisation (0161 277 1000, [email protected])
East Manchester Voluntary and Community Sector Consortium (0161 230 7843, [email protected])
MERCi (0161 273 1736, [email protected])
Networking Newsletter Project ([pls use email], leave us feedback) -- also see Resources/funding section
Voluntary Action Manchester (0161 236 3206, [email protected]): "FunderFinder" computer program and "How to..." guide
Information centres - resources, groups' newsletters etc

Also see Resources and References"

Centre for Voluntary Organisation (0161 277 1000, [email protected]): directory of community groups in Greater Manchester
Manchester Area Resource Centre (0161 839 0839, [email protected]): groups' fliers/newsletters
Networking Newsletter Project ([pls use email], leave us feedback): directory of GM community groups and of NW animal rights groups
Voluntary Action Manchester (0161 236 3206, [email protected]): directory of community groups in Manchester
Legal support
Activists' Legal Project (tel/fax: 01865 243 772, [email protected])
Manchester Legal Support Group (07850 787 182)
Media (List of Contacts)
MERCi (0161 273 1736, [email protected])
Meeting Rooms
Baha'i Centre (0161 224 6490)
Birch Community Centre, Brighton Grove (0161 224 4624)
Breakthrough, Ardwick (Yvonne Pridding-Bell, 0161 273 5412, [email protected]): evenings from £20
Bridge 5 Mill (0161 273 1736, [email protected])
Centre for Voluntary Organisation (0161 277 1000, [email protected])
Cross Street Chapel, Cross Street (0161 833 0255)
Friends Meeting House (0161 834 5797)
George House Trust, 75-77 Ardwick Green North (0161 274 4499, [email protected]): full days from £150
Manchester Digital Development Agency (MDDA) (0161 255 811): With free high speed wireless internet access, air conditioning and full disabled access our stylish contemporary meeting rooms offer an affordable and versatile city centre venue for your meeting, training session or conference. Consisting of three individual suites, two of which can be combined, the space is ideally suited for events for five through to seventy delegates.
Manchester Town Hall (0161 235 5000): FREE Committee Rooms that hold up to 30 people and larger rooms can be booked free of charge ask your own local councillor c/o Member Services 234 3235 to book you a room or get an application form from the the Conference office 234 3039. Please note it is rather difficult to get room booking fees waived for a weekend meeting and you have to use the Town Hall's own caterers who are rather pricey. Ask your councillor or the conference office for help in filling out your application form and give yourself plenty of time.
Oldham One World Centre (0161 287 3371)
Pankhurst Centre (0161 273 5673)
Slade Lane Neighbourhood Centre (0161 224 1451): from £6
St. Peter's Chaplincy, Oxford Road (0161 275 2894)
Union Chapel Community Buildings, Fallowfield. Rooms for 12 to 100 people. Info: Eileen Land (0161 445 7594) or Michael Welford (0161 225 0514)
Voluntary Action Manchester (0161 236 3206, [email protected]): from £30
Zion Arts Centre, various spaces, from £5/hour (0161 226 1912, [email protected]
Organic food
See veggie/vegan and organic food
Photocopying and Printing
Centre for Voluntary Organisation (0161 277 1000, [email protected])
Manchester Area Resource Centre (0161 839 0839, [email protected]): do it DIY and save money!
Resources and references
general (eg running a group, legal issues)
Centre for Voluntary Organisation (0161 277 1000, [email protected])
Networking Newsletter Project ([pls use email], leave us feedback)
Voluntary Action Manchester (0161 236 3206, [email protected])
Resources and references
animal rights
ARC news (0845 458 0146)
Networking Newsletter Project ([pls use email], leave us feedback)
Resources and references
Development Education Project provides materials for children and schools (0161 445 2495, [email protected])
ERIC, Central Library (0161 234 4583)
Resources and references
ERIC, Central Library (0161 234 4583)
Atmospheric Research & Information Programme (0161 247 1593)
Manchester Friends of the Earth (0161 834 8221, [email protected])
MERCi (0161 273 1736, [email protected]): eco-design
Networking Newsletter Project ([pls use email], leave us feedback)
Resources and references
equal opportunities
Development Education Project provides materials for children and schools (0161 445 2495, [email protected])
Resources and references
Latin America
Latin America Information Centre (0161 708 9240)
Resources and references
media contacts
See Media Contacts
See Meeting Rooms
See new training pages
drive your own minibus: Community Minibus Agency (Tel: 0161 223 1234, fax: 0161 223 1122, minicom: 0161 230 7788, email: [email protected])
Community Minibus for Hire: 11 seater, £20/day. Tel: 0161 248 9224
Veggie/vegan and organic food

Also see Manchester Friends of the Earth's Real Food Guide

8th Day, Oxford Rd (0161 273 4878)
Blue Moon (0161 746 9636)
Cafe Pop, Oldham Street
Earth Cafe, Buddhist Centre, 16-20 Turner Street M4
Is It Vegan - search by product, manufacturer or supermarket
Limited Resources, Old Birley Street (0161 226 4777, [email protected])
Misty's, Longsight (0161 256 3355, [email protected])
The, 8 Framingham Road, Brooklands M33 3SH. (0161 291 8862)
Pankhurst Centre, off Oxford Rd (0161 273 5673)
Unicorn Grocery, Albany Road (0161 861 0010, [email protected])
Zedz Foods, Unit 4, Arena Court, Mirabel Street M3 1PJ (0161 835 1442, [email protected])

Other Sources of Resources

If you can't find what you are looking for above, or in the miscellaneous section then try the following organisations who may also be able to help you in terms of exchanging resources


For the full address of the above organisations please check the Contacts pages

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(c) Networking Newsletter (May 2004)